Impact & Vision

Impact & Vision

At Avesta Housing, we envision a future in which our communities thrive because everyone has a place to call home. Guided by that vision, our work has a positive impact on the individuals, families, and communities where Avesta builds and maintains safe, quality, affordable homes.


Established in


in Assets
$ 0
$ 0

Affordable Housing Portfolio


Cities And Towns

(Apartment Units)

Resident Profile

Resident Median
$ 0

Resident Profile: Ben & Lilian

Ben and Lilian and their four children have lived at Brick Hill Townhouses in South Portland since 2010. Ben is a home care worker with Maine Behavioral Health and Lilian is a special projects coordinator for The Opportunity Alliance WIC program.

Both parents appreciate how ideal the Brick Hill community is for families with children. “I like how the area is situated,” says Lilian. “There are no busy streets; it’s really quiet. For all our children, this is their home. This is their neighborhood.”

Photos by Heidi Kirn Photography

Affordable Homes in Development

From the purchase of land to resident occupancy, each property Avesta Housing builds is the result of a years-long process. As of December 31, 2023, our robust pipeline included over 800 homes across 19 properties and more than $300 million in development costs. This pipeline is the result of a concerted effort, through strategic investments and partnerships, to accelerate development in response to the housing crisis.

From the purchase of land to resident occupancy, each property Avesta Housing builds is the result of a years-long process. As of December 31, 2023, our robust pipeline included over 800 homes across 19 properties and more than $300 million in development costs. This pipeline is the result of a concerted effort, through strategic investments and partnerships, to accelerate development in response to the housing crisis.

We are deeply appreciative of philanthropic support from our business partners as they join us in building affordable homes and providing support services for people in Maine and New Hampshire:

Atlantic Federal Credit Union, Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Camden National Bank Foundation, Clark Insurance, Hancock Lumber, Hebert Construction, JP Morgan Chase, Kennebunk Savings Bank, Keybank Foundation, Landry French Construction, Lighthouse Credit Union Foundation, M&T Charitable Foundation, NBT Bank, Newfab Inc., TD Charitable Foundation, United Way of Southern Maine

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